
Can physio cure?

I have decided to start a weekly series called can physio cure. This is where I write about various topics and how physiotherapy can help with this.

I thought I’d start with a common one at first which is a trapped nerve. The human body has hundreds if not thousands of nerves and the main ones which physios are going to be involved with tend to be the ones which allow your body to move, feel and sense the world around you.

Trapped nerves are a common condition treated by physios however we would call it a “radiculopathy” meaning pain, numbness or pins and needles referred to a different area of the body coming from a nerve. A common one is called sciatica.

Nerves are cord like structures which allow us to feel, move and experience the world around us. If one of these nerves gets injured in any way it can be debilitating. It can cause pain, numbness, pins and needles. It can also cause weakness in our muscles as well in severe cases.

How a physio would help with this is firstly seeing which nerve is involved and is causing the symptoms. After diagnosing and explaining why this is happening we would then administer treatment designed to reduce pain levels. This would typically involve soft tissue work (massage and manual therapy), acupuncture and exercise.

It might sound funny and I know there are a lot of you out there that have either never had physio or had bad experiences as well in the past. This is where All Out Physiotherapy strives to be different as we pride ourselves in making sure what we do is working for you meaning that our exercises are tailored to you and we make sure that the exercises are not hurting us during the appointment.

From there you are able to contact me though an exercise software app called physitrack which allows me to track your pain levels and it allows you quick access to speak to a physiotherapist in order to figure out why something has gone wrong.

This is all in the effort to allow you to take control of your health to allow you to get back to fighting fit and getting back to doing the things you love.

If you want to know more about trapped nerves or how I can help you with this just get in contact and I’ll be more than happy to ease concerns or answer your questions.