

Motivation is a fickle thing, it comes and goes. It stops us from doing what we need to be doing, makes us procrastinate and not do the things we want to do think is hard.

On the flip side motivation is a great thing it allows us to do everything we want and more. The only problem with it is that it’s not a permanent thing.

We hear it from some top level athletes “we train whether we want to or not. Its about achieving the end goal”. Whether it’s preparing for an MMA fight. Playing football, studying for exams or even just getting up and going to work. Some days we feel great about doing this and others it feels like dragging a ton weight behind us.

So if motivation if not permanent then what do we need to do in order to create positive change in our lives?

We need discipline. Discipline is where we take our motivation and use it for a long period of time in order to create a habit for ourselves so that it’s being done whether we are motivated to or not. At All Out Physiotherapy we want all of our clients to be able to make positive changes in their lives when it comes to our physical health, pain and injury. We want to help everyone create these habits which will allow us to take control of our health and be better placed to manage and recurrence in the future (we would prefer it though if recurrences of pain didn’t happen but sadly we can never 100% prevent injury).

On that note here are some hints and tips to help create these positive habits.

  1. Plan a reward for yourself for when you achieve the goals set for you
  2. Create, write down a plan and put it somewhere where you’ll see it every day.
  3. Hold yourself accountable and tell friends or family to remind you to do what you have set out
  4. Make it enjoyable

Go out and give it a try. All Out Physiotherapy strives to help others take control of their health and we use these tips with our patients to help them achieve these goals.