
The ALL OUT method

The ALL OUT method is a specific method that head physiotherapist Dylan Doherty has designed in order to achieve long lasting results which allow for reduction of pain, improvement of movement and most importantly it allows for injury recovery and it helps with prevention of injury.

How it works?

The ALL OUT method is a no stone left unturned way of recovering from your injuries. It incorporates things such as your sleep hygiene and cycle, nutrition and hydration which can directly impact the healing process.

We look at stress levels and can offer advice on stress management as well as this can have a direct role in pain levels also. This combined with a movement first approach allows us to first of all see what is going on with regards to your injury.

Then from there we can figure out what is causing the injury and what is stopping it from recovering quickly. This is all covered within the first appointment and will be covered again in subsequent visits as well in order to fully optimise the human body for recovery.

Effects of hydration on healing

This is pretty straight forward. The better your hydration the easier it is for your body to heal. There are lots of studies showing how dehydration has an effect on wound healing and injury healing also. It even has an effect on injury prevention also highlighting the importance of remaining hydrated.

Effects of sleep on healing

The first reason is all about blood flow. As you fall into the deeper stages of sleep, your muscles will see an increase in blood flow, which brings along oxygen and nutrients that that help muscles and regenerate cells.

Hormones play a role, too. When the body enters its deep sleep stage known as non-REM sleep, growth and other hormones are released that stimulate muscle repair and growth. When the body doesn’t get enough rest, the production of these hormones reduces and it can become harder for your body to recover from injuries.

Effects of stress on pain

Its a well documented thing that the more stressed you are, the more likely you are to be in pain which is why we at All Out physiotherapy take notice of this and can help with applying strategies to help with management of stress which can help to reduce pain levels.

All of the above shows how the human body interacts with various different stressors and ways of which we can improve things to help with our pain. Along with movement this is the fundamentals of getting you on the right track and on the road to recovery.

Within the assessment Dylan will do a comprehensive assessment of the area of injury in question and other vital parts of the body which may be contributing to the injury as well.

As we go though Dylan will explain everything to you and make sure you are understanding what is wrong. At All Out physiotherapy we love being questioned on what is happening so don’t hesitate to ask if you’re not 100% sure. All of what was explained to you will also be sent out in an email with your personalised home rehabilitation program. If you don’t have access to this just let us know and we can provide a paper copy as well.

During the assessment Dylan will be looking at the surrounding muscles to see if there are any weaknesses or problems which would contribute to the area of injury in the first place. This will involve some movement but nothing too strenuous or painful.

As we progress though we will be keeping in regular contact whether that is via email, messages or through the exercise prescription app called physitrack. This allows us to track your progress and it allows you to ask questions and get answers quickly. It also allows for tweaks and changes to the rehab programme in the event we need to progress or regress exercises however this would normally be undertaken within an appointment to make sure the new exercises are safe for you.

Think of the ALLOUT method as a systematic approach to allow you to take control of your health and get back to your best self. With our help and expertise we can make a difference to you.