
Why do I focus on 1-1 care

Next up in the why series I will be talking about the advantages of 1-1 care with your physiotherapist. Now why is this important? Well there has been research undertaken within different healthcare settings and they have found that specifically within nursing care, the closer you can get to a 1:1 ratio (one nurse to one patient) the better the healthcare becomes and the patients get better quicker and have more value in their time getting treatment within whatever setting they are in. Patient centered care is the gold standard of care where the patient is in the middle and everyone is working to help them and looking out for them. This allows them to get better quicker and improves outcomes across the board for that patient.

Now you’d be forgiven in thinking how this is actually relevant to a physiotherapy clinic since those studies were undertaken in hospitals and care settings. Well I feel the same applies to any place of service. Within my clinic all of my patients are put first by being asked what they would like to get out of their appointment and their time with me. This is written down and broken down into mini steps to help the patient understand what we need to do to get there. This allows myself and the patient to work together as a team to formulate a treatment plan that is relevant to them and allows them to achieve their goals as quickly and safely as possible.