
Why do we start slow?

Next up in the why series is why do we start slowly? There is a fairly simple answer to this one which is you wouldn’t go running the day after injuring your knee if it’s swollen and bruised. Not only would this put you at risk of further injury, it would be really painful to do in the first place. At AllOutPhysiotherapy we tend to let our assessment guide where the patient is in their rehab programme. We start with simple movements and see if it can be tolerated pain free and if we can repeat these movements without getting painful. Everyone will start in a different place because of this however this allows us to be really specific with what we are doing to allow you to get back to being pain/injury free. As mentioned in previous blog posts our rehab programme will be mapped out with various milestones that need to be reached before moving onto the next step. The exercises shown and the techniques used within the treatment session are geared towards us achieving these goals. This allows us to start off slowly (without aggravating your injury) and build up when needed to allow you to achieve your goals.

Contact me for further details as to how I can help you.